Sunday, December 22, the sermon comes from Luke 1:39-55. Mary is going to stay with her cousin Elizabeth who is already six months pregnant herself. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting the baby leaps with joy within her. Elizabeth, full of the Holy Spirit, goes on to tell Mary she is blessed because she believed God would do what He said he would do. Back track earlier in chapter 1 when the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she would conceive and bare a son. Mary was puzzled how this was going to happen since she was still a virgin. Gabriel gave her details of how it would happen, and how Elizabeth is also pregnant even though she was considered barren. Then tells Mary nothing is impossible with God.
Mary is blessed because she believed God would do the impossible. God still does impossible things. We are blessed when we believe that he can do the impossible in and through us. We are the LORD's servants may he continue to do the impossible in and through us. Join us Sunday at 11:00 to find out more.